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Whenever I am down,
I call on you, my Friends

Friends are the only thing you need in your life

You could even lose your Healthy, but exactly friends then could help you getting throught that.

Without them contrariwise, all the finest things you can obtain from life are worthless cos you cannot share anything with no one, having your soul caged in loneliness, and feeling empty and in the last stage, weaker than you can be.

I just worship my friends, I'd do anything for them, and I know they would do the same for me.

And I know friendship at its best is such a rare thing to find, so I realize I cannot have "many" real friends.
But I have enough, and lots of others who might be not "deep" and still they give me force and support, and love and care.

I need you all, you know that and maybe you feel affection for me also due to this.


Last Updates, July 2002, in More Links Page: "Finsbury Freaks' LondonTrip" and from 4th of September 2002, also my 2002 Summer Holidays Diary! (don't miss it out!)

My holidays 2002 page

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below, Evan smiles waiting for HC record exiting :)

The Finsbury Freaks Experience!!!